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Acapulco Cruise Ship Terminal Vans


This is the page where I'll describe the tours in more detail.


Historical tour
Discover Acapulco!.  The tour begins with a visit to the cross the chapel of peace, in las Brisas area. Explore the traditional town area with a visit to the "Acapulco Historical Museum" located inside the fort of San Diego.  The fort was used to protect residents from buccaneer attacks.
Then you will admire the "Flamingos hotel", "the refuge for the Hollywood gang" like Johnny Weismuller, Cary Grant, Gregory Peck; movies stars of 50's.  After that you will be back to the Hotel or Cruise Ship.
Price:  37 USD


City Tour Special

Discover the real Acapulco, the tour begins with a visit to the cross in Las Brisas and then to explore the traditional town area with a visit to the cathedral located at the Zocalo.  Then, the Flamingos hotel at the traditional area.  Last stop is at La Quebrada for the world famous cliff divers show.  Time for shopping near the divers.  Minimun of 4 passengers required to operate.

Price: 30 US 


Jungle tour
Enjoy a cliffside drive along the beautiful coast to the Coyuca Lagoon where you will board for a cruise on calm waters to see the local vegetation an wildlife.  Afterwards, enjoy a buffet lunch with open bar at restaurant on the beach.  Bring your bathing suit; dressing rooms are available.
Duration: 6 hours                              
Price:  65 USD



Enjoy the scenary of the Mexican countryside as you travel to the oldies and most famous silver city in the world.  An experienced tour guide will lead you though Santa Prisca Church and the William Spratling and Humboldt House silver Musseum.  Time will be allowed for you to wonder the cobblestone street of this colonial city and to shop for the crafts and silver.  You package includes transportation, guide service and lunch.  Minimun of 4 passengers.

Price:  120 USD


Feel the energy of the pyramids with the Xochicalco archeological expedition to the fusion of Mesoamerica's cultures (Azteca, Tolteca and May) can be seen among the 12 principal structures of Xochicalco.  This include Temples, Plazas, Ball courts, Living Quarters and Palaces.  Beautiful scenic trip through the sierra Madre Mountains.  Minimun of 6 passengers.
Price:  150 USD


Xochicalco - Taxco expedition

Feel the energy at the pyramids of Xochicalco and relive the past before and after the Spanish conquest.  The guide tour of the museum and pyramids visits a past rich in culture, ceremonial rites and passages of the Teotihuacan, Mayan and Toltec influence.  Next you will visit the Spanish colonial city of Taxco for a guide tour of the 17th century Santa Prisca Church, a silver mine with explanation of the silver and minerals, some shopping and lunch.

Price: 170 USD 


Mexican Fiesta
Taste the true of Mexico and its culture, savor the authentic Mexican specialities on the dinner buffet.  While being serenated by mariachis, the Mexican folkloric ballet will take you on a tour through the states of Mexico.
Price:  65 USD


Dinner and Divers Show

Enjoy dinner at La Mansion "steak house" after dinner you will admire one of the nicest show in town, the High Cliff Divers of La Quebrada.  This tour included two domestic drink cover at la Perla Restaurant and round trip transportation.


80 USD 


Deep Sea Fishing and Small- Game

Spend an exciting day fishing the outlying pacific waters.  The fishermen looking to catch the big one will want to try their hand a marlin or sailfish.  While small-game fishing you might reel in a red snapper, bonita or a yellow finn tuna.  Don't miss chance of a lifetime transportation fishing licens and drinks included.

Price:  350 USD


Swim  with dolphings
Experience the adventure in Acapulco.  Swim for one hour with these lovable mammals and learn how to interac with them.  Capture this great experience on video and replay you memorable moments at home.  Make your reservations for this fantastic experience well in advance.  This tour included one way transportation, a picture and video.
Price:  100 USD


Scuba Diving / Snorkeling

For those of you who have never been diving and want it's like, we offer a two hour trip. one tank course, to introduce you at the incredible experience or underwater world.  The professional instructors will teach you how to be comfortable with your gear in snal low water, after they will take you on a safe dive tour, teemeng with beautiful tropical fish.

Price: 75 / 45 USD 


La Corrida
Every sunday, all the passion and romance of bullfighting lives on in Acapulco.  Brave young matadors climb into the ring for battle at La Corrida in tradition that dates back centuries.  This Epic challenge of man against beast is once in a lifetime experience.
Price:  70 USD


La Perla / Restaurant and night divers show

Enjoy a delicious dinner at la Perla Restaurant featuring the famous cliff divers show at la Quebrada.  This tour includes free entrance to La Quebrada.

Price:  70 USD